Nico Kutscherauer grew up in Berlin. After finishing school in 2006, he studied Printing and Media Technology at the Stuttgart Media University. There he specialised in XML languages like XSLT and Schematron. Since 2008 he is working for the XML development company data2type GmbH in Heidelberg.
In 2010 he acquired the qualification Bachelor of Engineering. From 2010 to 2012 he worked as a technical assistant at the Stuttgart Media University in parallel to his data2type job. During that period he published with Prof. Dr. Marko Hedler and Manuel Montero the first technical book for Schematron in German: "Schematron – Effiziente Business Rules für XML-Dokumente" (web page of the book).
Adeline Anders comes from the Haselbachtal near Dresden. She studied linguistics at the Faculty of Translation Studies, Linguistics and Cultural Studies of the Mainz University in Germersheim. Since 2011 she translates and proofreads the website of the data2type GmbH. Since 2013 she also translates the web page of the partner company parsQube GmbH.