You can support this project in different ways. Help us to improve and disseminate Schematron QuickFix!
At the end of 2013, I have drawn George Bina's (chief developer of the oXygen XML Editor) attention to this project because he had presented similar ideas for the oXygen at the oXygen Users Meetup in November 2013. At the XML Prague 2014, the crucial meeting took place: I have shown George my project and, as a result, we have decided to set up a W3C Community Group in order to spread the idea of QuickFixes for XML documents.
One week later, the W3C Community Group "Quick-fix support for XML" was launched by George Bina.
Help us by joining the group and supporting the project. A membership in a W3C Community Group is generally free of charge. Here you can find a W3C guide explaining how you can join a group.
Further information can be found at the FAQ on the topic W3C Community Group.
You do not want to become a member of the W3C Community Group or you are already a member? You can also support the project by other means.
We urgently need Schematron developers who test the Escali (XSLT implementation), exhaust its functionalities in the extreme and give us their feedback on the test results:
Please download the demo version of the Escali. In the readme.txt contained in the package, you can find the description of how to use the command line tool.
Try to write your first QuickFixes. Please read the Schematron QuickFix User Guide.
Let me know which experiences who have made with the Schematron QuickFixes:
Have you found problems or errors?
How intuitive do you find the extension language?
Do you miss a functionality for your QuickFixes?
Do you have ideas for improvement or extensions of Schematron QuickFix?
Please consider whether Schematron QuickFix can be used in your current projects. Let me know about possible obstacles.
The point of view of a user is also very interesting. Although a practical implementation cannot be presented yet, general statements on the suitability for practical application of Schematron QuickFix can be made by means of the provided examples and a little imagination. Please test my example scenarios:
Download the demo version of the Escali. In the readme.txt contained in the package, you can find the description of how to use the command line tool.
In addition, please download the SQF examples. For a better understanding you should also read the description of the SQF examples.
Apply the Escali on these examples and let me know which experiences who have made with the Schematron QuickFixes:
Have you found problems or errors?
Please consider which QuickFixes could be developed for your Schematron schemas. Send me use cases (in any form) which clearly differ from my examples.
Tell your Schematron developers about this project and exchange views on a possible application in your projects. Give me your feedback on possible obstacles.